As a United Methodist church, one of our greatest strengths and joys is our relationship with other United Methodist churches around the globe.
We are connected to churches nearby in Southearn Colorado, the Rocky Mountain region, the United States, and the entire world.
Transformed By Grace
The Methodist tradition is rooted in the experiene of the grace that flows to all of God's children and creation. As a church and a denomination, we hold the idea and reality of grace to be central to who we are and how we live. From the very start of the Methodist movement in the 18th century with John Wesley, God's prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace through Jesus Christ has been our hope and our message. Above all else, we as United Methodists proclaim grace.
Our Conference
The Salida United Methodist Church is part of the Rocky Mountain Annual Conference. The conference is led by a bishop and is composed of all the United Methodist Churches in Colorado, Utah, and part of Wyoming.
We are also part of the Trinity District (formerly known as the Sunshien District), a smaller geographical division within the conference. The district has churches all along the Arkansas River, Pueblo, the San Louis Valley, and the eastern High Plains.
The Global Church
We are just one local congregation that is part of The United Methodist Church. Through our denomination, we are connected to other churches and people around the world. We are in mission with diverse communities that also seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ and transform the world.
One of the main ways that the global United Methodist Church is at work is through The United Methodist Committee on Relief, or UMCOR for short. UMCOR responds to disasters, cares for refugees, and assists in economic development. UMCOR is at work throughout the world. You can learn more and donate at the link above.
Four Areas of Focus
The global United Methodist Church is committed to engaging in God's work through four particular areas of ministry: doing ministry with impoverished communities, working against diseases of poverty, developing leaders of integrity and vision, and energizing local congregations. You can learn more about these Four Areas of Focus here.
One very important way that the Four Areas of Focus has been manisfested is through the Imagine No Malaria campaign. You are invited to join the United Methodist Church in working to end this disease of poverty that impacts millions of people. You can learn more, and donate to end malaria, here.
The Cross and Flame
The graphic logo of the United Methodist Church, a cross and a two pronged flame, is a globally recogonized symbol of faith, mission, and service. The cross and flame can be found all over the world.